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Are You Stressed Out? Try These 9 Techniques For Stress Relief

Here and there, stress is everywhere! It impacts our lives almost daily. We are dealing with stressful situations on every step we take – in our homes when we have disagreements with family, in our workplaces, with friends and coworkers, etc. Stress may have a huge impact on our health and thoughts. For instance, it is proven that stress influences many things in our body like digestion, skin health, the perception of reality, eating disorders, etc. Since it is so omnipresent, read carefully through these 9 ways for stress relief in your everyday life.

Talk to your close friends or family members


Actually, you should talk to a person you trust the most and with whom you feel comfortable. Don’t be afraid to ask her/him for advice, too. Even when you are in the most stressful situations, try to calm down and contact a number of people you trust. This will distract you from your own situation and have a positive effect on the overall mental state.

Think and convince yourself that it will pass

When it isn’t possible to call someone, try to concentrate and think – even talk with yourself if you think it could help. Of course, don’t do this outside and out loud, so that people don’t think you’ve gone crazy. Another way to do this is to write down all the facts and the things that bother you – you will get it out and feel relieved. Don’t forget to remind yourself that everything will be over soon in the best way possible – since you gave your best and tried really hard.

Eat quality food

Stress has an enormous effect on your meals. Some people even quit eating when they’re stressed. It is essential not to eat a lot and not to skip meals either. Avoid fatty and fast foods – it won’t help anyway. Stick to the fruit and vegetables, and healthy meat which will give you needed energy. Quality food when you are stressed are nuts, tuna sandwich, banana, smoothie with avocado. These things will supply you with nutrients and energy so it will be easier for you to get out of your heavy thoughts easily.

Laugh as much as you can!



Even though stressful situations aren’t funny at all, you should laugh. You may look funny just laughing with no real reason, but the brain will perceive this as true happiness – and you’ll start feeling happier soon. Laughing also releases endorphins and lowers stress hormones – adrenaline and cortisol. You also may look at some funny videos or read jokes which will make you smile.

Drink tea

Tea is a better solution for you than coffee if you are stressed out because of its lower caffeine level. It will calm you and provide antioxidants, and amino acid which will help you relax. You may combine teas with different aromas and tastes – it will make a completely new experience and you’ll definitely enjoy it!

Exercise for at least five minutes a day

No, you don’t have to lift a heavy weight or run five miles a day – you may just stretch up or walk around the office or room. Exercise will ensure blood circulation which will induce production of endorphin and thus improve your overall mood almost instantly.

Try to sleep well

Stress may also cause a bad sleep and vice versus – a bad sleep causes stress. To break this witches cycle, try to catch at least 6-8 hours of sleep daily. To accomplish this, turn the TV earlier and relax in a warm bath or drink a cup of tea. Think only positive thoughts so you don’t end up with your eyes wide open thinking about your recent failures. This is a big NO-NO!

Take a deep breath

When you’re the most stressed, stop for a second and try to take some deep breaths. Repeat this exercise for 3 to 5 minutes while sitting in your chair with feet on the floor and hands on your knees. Breathe deeply and slowly, trying not to think about bad things. This ensures that oxygen enters your blood vessels which will clear your mind and help your entire body.

Throw out bad thoughts

When stress is affecting us we think about many things. For example, what we should or must do, situations that could happen, making our current situation harder with all of this. Although this is a longer way to go, you should change your thoughts and your perspective. Try to concentrate on the positive things, not on problems and barriers that surround you.

Although our lives are full of stress, it is an important thing to know that we can change our perspective and remove stressful thoughts on our own. Try out these techniques and you will surely succeed in reducing or even completely removing stress from your life.

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