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Going Green: These Smart Energy-Saving Tips Will Lower Your Electric Bills

Perhaps, if only there’s one magic formula on how households can cut back on their electrical consumption, everyone will be doing it. Depending on the size of your household and the number of electrical appliances and electronic gadgets that you have, paying your utility bills – both water and electricity – will take up a huge chunk off your budget. The solution is simple: you just have to use a combination of everyday practices that could eventually sum up into a whopping amount of savings in the long run.


Having said that, let’s conserve energy as we try to cut our bills! And since most of us want to save money on home utility bills, we are really willing to learn the effective ways to conserve energy, lower their electric bills, and most of all, help protect the planet. Without further ado, here are some of the many energy-saving tips:

Learn to switch off the lights 

Before you leave the room, check if you have turned off the lights. Also, in any area of the house see to it that the lights are off when no one has to use it. You may also post a signage near the light switches to remind all the housemates to do the same.

Know when to unplug.

All electronic devices and appliances should be unplugged when not in use. Remember that even if they are off, they still consume energy. You can use power strips with surge protection in areas with multiple components so all you will need to do is flip the switch to “off” on the power strip. This certainly stops wasting energy and unnecessary electricity consumption.

Seal the Air Leaks.

Insulation and sealing can help you curb on your energy bills. Find out gaps from where air is leaking out of your home. Seal those leaks. You could also hire an energy auditor to help you with sealing and insulation. Also make sure the area around your geyser has been insulated.

Stop standby power waste.

Did you know that up to 10% of your electricity use could be from gadgets and appliances on standby. Your phone charger is still using energy even when your phone is not attached. A standby power controller will automatically reduce standby time and switch appliances off when not in use.


Run your fridge efficiently.

Your fridge is always on, making it one of your most expensive appliances. Make sure the door seal is tight and free from gaps so cold air can’t escape. An ideal fridge temperature is 4 or 5 degrees and an ideal freezer temperature is minus 15 to minus 18 degrees Celsius. If you have a second fridge or freezer, only turn it on when you need it.

Adopt a reliable and efficient lighting system.

You should essentially change the whole lighting system that is part of your home when you have begun with the electricity conservation initiative. During the day, you can flip open the curtains to allow the natural air and light to flow in. Sometimes, you don’t even need the fan at such times. This could be a major energy saving idea. You could install energy saving lights in all the rooms of your house. This way when you use them, the amount of energy used up is less. If you are not reading or doing any activity, you could change the lighting system to candles. You can light up the room with candles and seat yourself there.

Remember the 3Rs.

This stands for reduce, reuse, and recycle. Truly, those same savings happen when you buy things that will last instead of breaking or throwing right away. Well-made items may cost a little more in the beginning, but they are usually worth the money because they last for a long time. Plus you don’t have to replace them over and over. Plastic bags and papers can be reused or recycled, thus reducing our waste and cost of buying new ones.

If you have the money to invest, solar panels and windmills will definitely reduce your energy costs. More so, you may start checking on your appliances. If they are already in not-so good condition, begin replacing them with energy efficient appliances. Try these suggestions and see how you save money on your home utility bills while you help save the environment. It is a win-win scenario, after all. Practical energy-saving tips are really helpful.

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