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10 Habits of Highly Organized People

Being organized in many things may be a struggle for you. However,  if you try to make it a habit, you’d surely notice a huge difference in your life. To help you get with this, we gather the following habits of highly organized people that you can adopt so you can begin living your life in a systematized manner. There’s nothing too difficult for you to embrace and manage.

“The only difference between a mob and a trained army is organization.” — Calvin Coolidge 

Have a designated place for everything.


Looking for a misplaced item exudes time and energy, not to mention that it is stressful. Having a designated place for everything lets you save lots of time and effort in finding them whenever you need them. As they say, “A place for everything and everything in its place can be your trick to let you know where exactly it is.”

Another trick is to think in zones. Arrange things by usage rather than type. In the pantry, group break­fast items: pancake mix, syrup, peanut butter, and jams. In the mudroom, create a pool-gear station: goggles, arm floats, and beach towels. By the back door, set up a pet-stuff spot: leash, flashlight, treats, and waste pickup bags.

Establish specific routines and rituals for the start and end of each day

Staying organized is not all about being uptight. You should always spare some time out for things that make you who you are. Feel free to schedule everything, including your rituals and plans of the day. Of course, you don’t want to be a prisoner of your routine now, would you? If there are things you wish to do every morning, afternoon, during breaks, or even before you go to bed, go ahead and do them. Writing down your plans and schedules for the day does the trick.

Nourish a multitasking mind

For times when you have to run errands or even just leave the room for something, double up and do several things in one trip. If you need to pay a bill, go pay it and stop at the store on the way back to pick up the bulk orders of produce or dairy products.  When you get up to use the restroom, check the room. Is there anything that needs to be put away? Take it with you. The thing here is to multitask whenever you can.

Make a to-do list


Following a to-do list is your primary source of organization. Never miss out on it! However, allot some time for last minute changes in the list. You’re doing just fine with your daily routine and are almost half-way through when out of nowhere, your BFF calls you up for an urgent meeting. This “space” on the list makes it easier for you to adjust your schedule as planned.

Indulge in some “me-time” every day

Again, it is not about being a prisoner of your routine.  You can always cut some time out for yourself. Read a book, enjoy your sips of tea or coffee, watch a movie, hit the gym, and listen to your favorite iPod playlist or anything that comes to mind.

Never leave unfinished tasks

This is the holy grail of staying organized. Don’t leave any task halfway done. Leaving unfinished business is the hallmark of a disorganized person. Remember that failing to finish what you’ve started is more than a bad habit as it stems from fears and hesitations.

Forget about being a perfectionist

Not everything can be just the way you want it. Sometimes, “good enough” is enough to get you by. Therefore, know where the most feasible option would suffice, and forget about making things perfect.

Find the simplest solutions

You don’t need only the best or fanciest pen in the world to do your paperwork. At times, a small pencil will be enough. Follow the same ideology regarding everything else. Pick the simplest problem-solver!

Reward yourselves to keep the motivation alive

Attach a reward to a tedious task; Tell yourself that you can get something in return after you’ve organized something or whenever you accomplished a task. This type of internal or external rewards can help you make a long-term commitment. So the next time you reach a long-range goal, treat yourself to some new apparel, new shoes, or a pampering day out.

Work hard and don’t slack

Many accomplishments are abandoned at the cusp of greatness. Never give up and never give in. When you hit an obstacle, it is a must that you work smarter, not just harder. Taking breaks to recharge is healthy, but giving up or procrastinating never breeds success. So when the going gets tough, it pays to work harder, folks.

You’d probably start off with changing your mindset, then adopting it as a routine, and eventually imbibing it in our system. You’re then finally on the right track – being the organized person you’ve always dreamed of. Congrats!


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