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How Netflix Changed the Movie Industry

A considerable number of moviegoers most likely have no idea who Scott Stuber is. However, it is just a matter of time till they all discover the prominence and impact of the 50-year-old in the movie industry. Stuber was formerly a vice chairman at Universal Pictures and he is currently the movie chief of Netflix.

Stuber has a mandate of making Netflix’s original movie lineup as solid as that of the service’s television operation which got about 112 Emmy nominations in 2018. Its widely reviewed “Roma” made an entrance on Netflix last Friday and Stuber with that movie has succeeded in making Netflix a strong contender for the Oscars.

Roma which is a subtle film by Mr. Cuarón about life in the 1970s in Mexico City will likely help Netflix get a best- picture nomination for the first time. To ensure that the nomination happens, Netflix has reportedly starter backing the movie with a very extravagant campaign.

Bogdan Glisik/Shutterstock
Roma will likely help Netflix get a best- picture nomination for the first time

Netflix Shifting The Limits

According to analysts Mr. Stuber’s approach which has forced a lot of people to ignore their cable cords also holds the tendency to cause several people to stop visiting the theaters. The internet which has already disrupted the music and television businesses is also posing a major threat to Hollywood. Netflix has a lot of films from Steven Soderbergh, Noah Baumbach, Martin Scorsese, Michael Bay, and Dee Rees underway.

According to Stuber, one needs great filmmakers to build a good film studio. He noted that Hollywood stars such as Eddie Murphy, Dwayne Johnson, Ben Affleck, Sandra Bullock, and Meryl Streep have also been signed for different Netflix films.

His operation is estimated to supply about fifty-five original films per year and that is with the inclusion of some films that have up to $200 million budget. When one puts into consideration animated movies and documentaries produced by some other Netflix divisions, the total number of films to be released by Netflix increases to 90. Universal which is one of the most notable traditional studios of Hollywood only releases about 30 movies per year.

Protected Industry

Till this proposed feat by Netflix, the movie industry has been greatly protected from internet forces that have disrupted the bulk of the media industry. Most of the films still air in the theatres first exclusively for about ninety days before they are made available for viewing at homes.

Regal and AMC, among other multiplex chains, have countered the diverse efforts to reduce that period. They are of the opinion that people wouldn’t be so open to purchasing movie tickets if it will be possible for them to view the movie in the comfort of their homes only a few weeks or even days after its release.

Maks Ershov/Shutterstock
The movie industry has been greatly protected from internet forces that have disrupted the bulk of the media industry.

According to the National Association of Theater Owners’ president, John Fithian, considering that theatrical business has marginal profitability if it loses ten percent of its total audience which implies that some people won’t visit the cinema, some of the cinemas would stop operating. The Association believes that big screens remain an integral part of film definition. Netflix on its own end has been bypassing theatres.

For some of its movies to get qualification for awards, they had to simultaneously appear online as well as art theaters in Los Angeles and New York. With a push from Stuber, Netflix proceeded to unveil a 3rd release model about 2 months ago and that made Roma and 2 other movies available in the cinemas first. However,  it was just for a week to 3 weeks before it made the movies available on its streaming service. The two films include Bird Box and The Ballad of Buster Scruggs.

Limit To Changes

Netflix new interest in theaters serves as a ray of hope for Oscar voters. Industry titans such as Steven Spielberg already expressed their displeasure at the online streaming service’s policy of streaming movies immediately and raised a suggestion that all its content ought to be television. However, Netflix requires the Oscars as well as the validations that come with them to enable it to have a competitive stand with other traditional studios to get the top talents.

Silvia Elizabeth Pangaro/Shutterstock
Stuber noted that consumers who do not have the time or access to a cinema should also get to enjoy movies without having to wait for so long.

Stuber said Netflix is putting in efforts into creating a studio that artists would find exciting and they also have it in mind that it is important to welcome criticism. The effect of which may include having to contend for awards and releasing their films to the theatre. He, however, noted that Netflix wouldn’t bend too much as they appreciate the fact that there are consumers who do not have the time or access to a cinema and they should also get to enjoy movies without having to wait for so long.

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