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Fighting Climate Change: 6 Women Who Will Amaze You

Women all around the world are demanding action to protect the planet from climate change. Those women are the strongest when they are using their power to change the world. On our list, you will find women who will certainly make a difference.

It seems that women are the most powerful force in the fight for our environment. They, together with children, are the ones who feel the effect of the global warming most acutely. And, no matter what the state politics is, there are those who are at the center of the cities’ movements for the protection of the environment.

“Men argue. Nature acts.”  ― Voltaire

Margaret Changeneral director of World Health Organization

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Quite recently, WHO published a report that found a link between unsafe water and indoor and outdoor air pollution. This pollution resulted in over 1.4 million deaths per year among children younger than five. Chan responded by commenting that,

“A polluted environment is a deadly one, particularly for young children. Their developing organs and immune systems, and smaller bodies and airways make them especially vulnerable to dirty air and water.”

Helen Fernandez, mayor of Caracas

After her predecessor was arrested in 2015, this leader of Venezuela’s capital became an advocate for gender equality and climate movement. She chooses to see every policy through that lens. Fernandez says that other stuff can cloud the effect of climate change and the advocates’ ability to get support. Still, so far, the commitment of her 5.3 million citizen city is showing pretty good signs of future potential. It might be tougher here than in other cities, because of the nation’s political turmoil. However, as the climate movement emerges here, Fernandez sees women becoming its protagonists. “We can and should simplify this strategically,” she said.

Muriel Bowser, mayor of Washinton D.C.

This lady has been in office since 2015, and last week she announced plans to save $7 million. This money will be set aside for the District’s first Green Bank to support improvements to buildings, which will help reduce emissions of carbon dioxide. Bowser said this is the nation’s first city-level effort, and she plans for this program to be emulated statewide in places like New York and Connecticut. The plan is to support “inclusive prosperity” across a huge city. She stated, “As the nation’s capital, we need to lead the way when it comes to protecting and preserving the environment.”

Naoko Ishii, CEO of Global Environment Facility

The trust fund of her organization, which was established 25 years ago, is among the eldest financing mechanisms that fund development projects. These projects are meant to lessen the negative effects of global warming. A great example of this is an initiative meant to strengthen awareness and support for “green chemistry and find safer alternatives for dangerous substances. She plans to make her organization louder and more active in the fight against the climate change

Patricia de Lille, mayor of Cape Town

This woman is leading the way for her city, trying to procure up to 20 percent of its energy from renewable sources by 2020. She has an interesting approach to this. Instead of thinking big, she starts from small things. Patricia de Lille started an initiative that is encouraging homeowners and businesses to install solar photovoltaic panels on their rooftops. The C40 Municipal Building Efficiency Network is being led by this 3.7 million people city in identifying and defining the best practices for energy management and contracting. Cape Town also managed to reduce its water consumption by 30 percent over the past 15 years. At the Women4Climate conference, de Lille said “Every single decision and every single department is overlaid with climate considerations. This needs to be worked into everyday decisions.”

Zandile Gumede, mayor of Durban

About 600.000 people of this city in the South African seaside are facing the reality of drought. This natural disaster is getting fiercer. There are also floods, which are becoming more frequent. However, there is an array of ecosystems projects that are aimed at making it more resilient. Some of these are green rooftop gardens, riverbed restoration, bioswales, reforestation efforts, and more. Gumede interestingly sees climate change as a rare opportunity for women to become entrepreneurs .“As women fighting for change, we must make sure that we don’t lose hope, we keep pushing,” this lady once said.

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