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8 Body Language Secrets of Successful People

We talk, but our bodies have another language. Sometimes we are not aware what kind of messages our body is sending to other people. That is a reason why we should pay attention to our body language and try to change it in some situations – that will greatly help that other people don’t understand us wrongly.

Here are some body language secrets of successful people which everyone should know.

Body language is a very powerful tool. We had body language before we had speech, and apparently, 80% of what you understand in a conversation is read through the body, not the words. – Deborah Bull


This can be a sign of disrespect. People around you will think that you don’t have the desire to be where you are. If you slouch, your body looks smaller and you don’t have authority at all. It also may make people think that you aren’t communicative and open-minded, so you should always remind yourself to sit straight up. Sit with your back straight and shoulders back and you will surely look self-confident and pleasant.



Don’t use gestures too much. Exaggerated gestures can make you look non-authoritative and that way you will lose integrity while talking. Always pay attention to your gestures and how they look from outside. Use smaller and open gestures, like spreading arms apart – it will make people think that you don’t have anything to hide.

Appropriate attitude

Take special attention to your attitude towards others. Don’t turn your back to anyone and stay focused on the conversation – which will give an impression of engaged, interested and comfortable person to talk to. You can also tilt your head a little, it will show others that you are carefully listening to them and that they have your full attention.

Eye contact

Eye contact must be adequate for the occasion. First, don’t avoid eye contact with other people while talking, so that you would be taken seriously. Second, don’t look down, because it will look like you lack self-confidence or you aren’t interested enough. Make sustained eye contact and you will encourage yourself that way – others will think that you are confident, strong and intelligent, too! Don’t make it too intense – hold it for about ten seconds, longer when you are listening to someone than when you are talking. Avoid rolling eyes, closing them or similar frivolous actions.


Handshakes must be strong enough to give you authority and confidence, while weak or too strong ones may have the opposite result. The best solution is to adapt your handshake to particular person or situation, so you would know that it is appropriate.



Scowling can give an impression that you are an unhappy person, so you should avoid it. When you scowl, that will surely turn people away from you, which is most probably something you don’t want. The best solution is to remind yourself to smile in every situation – don’t exaggerate, just smile subtly. That will make you open, confident and trustworthy in eyes of others. Remember that everyone likes to be with a smiling person – it is always a pleasure to talk and spend time with them.

The adequate distance

Pay attention to the distance between you and the person you are talking to. Don’t be too far nor too close – that might also be understood wrongly. Try to choose the best possible distance where both of you will feel comfortable and relaxed while talking to each other.

Other gestures

  1. Avoid clenching fists, crossing your arms or legs. You might look unserious and closed for communication. Furthermore, you can seem like a defensive or argumentative person, which will surely make people nervous when they are talking to you.
  2. Don’t fidget, since this might mean that you are anxious, distracted or self-conscious at the moment. You will distract people’s attention from your career to your physical appearance, which won’t be a good thing at all.
  3. Be consistent with your body language and the things you say. If you are talking one thing and suggesting another with your body language, people will be confused and won’t believe you at all. Instead, try to coordinate these two, so your words will be understood properly.
  4. Don’t nod too much. This will mean that you are anxious about approval. People may think that you are so anxious to approve something that you otherwise wouldn’t do.

Follow these steps and try to implement them in your everyday routine. After a while, you will surely feel more comfortable in your communication with others, and you won’t have any problems in your relationships.

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