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5 Common Habits of Humble People

Humble people are frequently considered to be passive, insecure and submissive, but this is not true. The real situation is quite the opposite— the humble people are confident and competent, but they just don’t feel the impetus to boast about themselves. Instead, they let their actions speak for themselves.

To help identify what being humble looks like, here are five habits of humble people.

“A great man is always willing to be little.”  — Ralph Waldo Emerson

They cherish their relationships with other people


Some studies say that humble people are more likely to help friends than other people tend to. Thus, they maintain stronger personal and professional relationships. One study showed that companies with humble people in leadership positions had a happier and more satisfied workforce. On the other hand, humble people know their self-worth, and they don’t feel the need to cast themselves before others. On the contrary, they know that nobody cares how much they know and that what counts is how much they care and how they treat other people.

Humility is the true key to success. Successful people lose their way at times. They often embrace and overindulge from the fruits of success. Humility halts this arrogance and self-indulging trap. Humble people share the credit and wealth, remaining focused and hungry to continue the journey of success. – Rick Pitino

 They easily decide on difficult questions

It is well known that humble people put others’ needs before their own. Thus, when faced with difficult decisions, they respect the moral and ethical boundaries and base their decisions on these criteria rather than on their self-interest.

Situational awareness is part of emotional intelligence which the humble people always have in abundance. It means being aware of oneself, the group, the actions of each individual and the social dynamics therein.

 They listen to what others have to say

There’s nothing more annoying than talking to somebody who is simply dying to get his or her words in, regardless of your opinion. They are most commonly not even listening but rather waiting to speak. The fact is they believe that what they have to say is more important and valuable than listening to you. Simply put – they’re placing their self-interest first.

On the other hand, humble people actively listen to others before entering the conversation. They don’t try to dominate a conversation or talk over people since they are eager to understand others. Why? Well,  because they’re curious. They seek knowledge in the first place.  The humble people are constant learners and know that they don’t have all the answers upfront. Humble people gather knowledge from the experiences of others and thus need more opportunities to learn.

 They don’t lie

Humble people are not afraid to speak their minds because they are not afraid of being wrong. They are well aware that between unwillingness and willingness there must be an action to bridge the gap. Thus, they summon the courage and face the difficulty as they reach it.

No matter whether you’re engaged in a heated conversation or not, the humble people find the time to say ‘Thank you’ and ‘I am sorry.’ Also, they know that if one person has won, it doesn’t necessarily mean that the other one has lost. They are well aware that there’s a plenty of opportunities to choose from and that finding them just requires some collaboration and communication.

I was raised in a very humble environment, and I was always taught to be humble to the things that are happening in my life because they’re blessings. They’re blessings in every way. Whether you’re able to help someone get through a tough time in their life through your music or through comedy, or whatever it is, you’re just a channel. – Justin Timberlake

 They don’t begin their sentences with’ I.’


Humble people put others first in their statements. This is one apparent difference between humble and prideful people. While prideful people brag about themselves, the humble ones talk about others’ needs.  They don’t only accept any constructive criticism but they also actively seek it because they know that feedback is a pathway to improvement. And when there is the necessity to blame someone, they don’t blame on “the system” or the behaviors of others but assume responsibility by speaking up and owning their part.

One part of being humble means that you are well aware that you don’t have all the answers and acknowledge what you do and do not know and try to find the help for the things you are not familiar with.

A willingness to learn is a dominant characteristic of the humble people.

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